Opening Hours: Mon - Sat, 10 AM - 06 PM


Home Anadrone On Air

Anadrone Systems Private Limited, UK is in a unique position of being a one-stop for the supply of aerial targets to meet all Indian requirements. Many of the systems offered are already being manufactured or assembled in india under the Make II initiative.

Target systems available for outright purchase and operation by a user or for lease under a target service contract which provides a turn key operating solution range from a simple model aircraft target (MAT) through propeller driven basic pilotless target aircraft (BPTA) and manoeuvrable and expendable aerial target systems (EAT and MEAT) to higher performance systems including a high speed low flying target (HSLFT) and a supersonic target (GA-LST).

All of the offered systems are able to carry and support a range of proven, weapon specific augmentation devices.

Shikra Dvij

Low cost, remotely piloted target designed for air defence simulations on land and sea. Fitted with latest mini avionics suite that gives the target a radius of operation from the ground control station of more 40km of autonomous flight. It can also be used as an effective training drone for understanding basic functionalities and control.

Shikra Prop

Aerial targets were developed to represent threats posed by UAVs, enemy aircraft and general aerial threat weapons. Powered by propellers, these variants of which have been used to test the effectiveness and operational readiness of weapon systems. For improved cost effectiveness, the propeller driven Shikra is able to tow a range of towed targets.

Shikra Unojet

Originally supplied to the Indian defence forces, the latest, Make-in-India derivative is powered by a more powerful rear mounted jet engine which provides 45Kg of static thrust giving it an improved performance with a top speed in excess of 135m/s by the rear mounted jet engine producing 40kg static thrust.

Shikra Twinjet

This target drone which is powered by 2 off 45Kg thrust engines, offers customers higher speeds up to 200m/s with endurance of 55 minutes. Suitable to be used against SAM and AAM missiles both across land and sea, the performance of the drone is easily varied by plug-in modules.

Shikra GenX

Powered by twin gas turbine engines, the target provides straight and level air speeds in excess of 250m/s. A large fuel capacity of 100 litres gives a comfortable endurance of over an hour dependant on mission parameters.


All of the Shikra target derivatives detailed above may be configured with a variety of specialist payloads and accessories to suit and fully test the weapon being exercised. These payloads, many of which may be fitted simultaneously include: Smoke tracking and Infrared flares, Hot nose – black-body IR source, IR and chaff decoy dispensing pods, IFF transponder capable of modes A and C, Luneburg Lenses, active radar augmenters, Radar altimeter, sea-skimming augmenters, Acoustic and Doppler Radar MDI (360° IR signature), Active Radar Homing Emulator (AHRE).

Ground Support Equipment

We have a dedicated in-house fabrication centre to produce ground launchers and ground support equipment to facilitate launch of the aerial vehicles.


703. Emaar Capital Tower 1, Sector 26. M.G. Road, Gurugram - 122002, Haryana, India

+91 (124) 4207284/85

+91 (124) 4207287


Tata Steel SEZ Post Rangeilunda, Ganjam District - 7601M. Odisha, India

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